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2023 Ambassador of the Year!

I know what it's like to feel that fear and the need for affirmation and appreciation. Building confidence in yourself is the toughest thing to do when you've never done it before. I want to officially say THANK YOU to my Color of Gastrointestinal Illnesses family for honoring me with the 2023 Ambassador of the Year Award. I was truly at a loss of words. I will live up to my award today and everyday. I will continue to be the voice for my community through my advocacy work. We all have struggles in life. But it's comforting to know someone truly cares for you and wants to hold your hand through hard times. I am that person, no matter what I have going on, I will always show you that I care. I will forever remain humble because I know I could have less and I will always be grateful because I know I've had less. Isaiah 6:8 NLT says: Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to the people? Who will go for us?" I said, "Here I am. Send me." I live and breathe that Bible verse because I asked God over and over why did I have to suffer so much as a child and young adult, what did I do so terribly that my punishes the most pain imaginable? And then I realized, I was meant to go through this so I can be a vessel for my community. You don't need to stay stuck in your fears, afraid of what is to come, wondering who can help. Leave the isolation of self-reliance and turn to God Almighty. He WILL deliver you. Thank you Mel, Tomiyo, Latonia, and the rest of the COGI Leadership team for believing in me, seeing me, and giving me the voice and space for my creative ideas. You didn't have to but I'm sure glad you did. To the COGI Ambassador team and the rest of the community, live a life full of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity and never stop learning and educating yourself!

Thank you to my amazing husbae and our 4 kids for your amazing support of my creative ideas! I love you all so much! 

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