Please take a moment to read through these hot topics in the IBD and Ostomy world. My goal is to keep you up to date on what's new and the latest treatments. This is a good conversation starter with your physician(s) in determining the best treatments for your specific condition(s).
Combating Skin Issues
Skin issues in individuals with IBD is really hard to diagnose and treat. Treatment for one person, may not work for the next because we are all different. Your GI and your dermatologist should work very closely to help determine the best treatment for you  The article below describes the many different skin disorders as it relates to IBD. Once you identify your particular disorder, it's best to make an appointment with your physicians to discuss the best treatment for you.

Nutrition for IBD
Knowing what you can or can't eat with IBD can be tricky. It's always trial and error when it comes to food for individuals with IBD. I've attached an article for you to read to help you decide what foods to avoid with IBD what you can tolerate. Remember everyone is different so its best to speak with your GI and/or your dietician/nutritionist on what works best for you
Nutrition/Diet for Ostomates
Eating the wrong things with an ostomy can leave you with a blockage. Blockages are painful and dangerous for an ostomate. Please read the attached article on proper food to eat and what to avoid with an ostomy. Talking with your nutritionist/dietician and gastroenterologist on what works best for you is always the best practice